Dr Kathryn Medien is a Research Associate in the Department of Sociology and a member of the Reproductive Sociology Research Group (ReproSoc). Her main research interests include political sociology, social theory, feminist theory and the historical and present politics of imperialism and racial capitalism. Prior to joining the Department of Sociology, Kathryn was an Early Career Fellow in the Institute of Advance Study and a PhD student in the Sociology Department at University of Warwick. In 2016 she was a visiting research fellow in Gender Sexuality and Feminist Studies at Duke University.
At ReproSoc, Kathryn is part of the project team for the ‘Changing (In)Fertilities’ project, a multi-dimensional Wellcome Trust funded study where she manages the ‘Stratified (In)Fertilities’ work package, which examines how perceptions and access to fertility are locally and globally stratified across geographical, racial, class, gendered, and sexual formations. She will also be lecturing on the Sociology of Gender (SOC10) paper.
Twitter: @KathrynMedien
Selected Academic Publications
Medien, Kathryn. (2019). Foucault in Tunisia: The Encounter with Intolerable Power. The Sociological Review, Online First.
Medien, Kathryn. (2019). Palestine in Deleuze. Theory Culture & Society, 36(5): 49-70.
Medien, K. (2018). Thinking Life, Death, and Solidarity Through Colonized Palestine: An Interview with Jasbir K. Puar. Journal of Middle East Women Studies, 14(1): 94-103.
Selected Book Reviews
Medien, Kathryn. (2019). ‘Prison: A Survival Guide’ (by Carl Cattermole). The Sociological Review.
Medien, Kathryn. (2019). ‘Carceral Capitalism’ (by Jackie Wang). Ethnic and Racial Studies, Online First.
Medien, K. (2017). ‘The White Possessive: Property, Power and Indigenous Sovereignty’ (by Aileen Moreton-Robinson). Sociology, vol. 51(1): 183-184.