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Reproductive Sociology Research Group


Lorena Valenzuela Vela is Research personnel in training (Departments  of Social Work and Social Services and Social Anthropology) in the Universidad of Granada. She has a degree in Social Work and did the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in Women and Gender Studies in Europe. She is PhD Student in Feminist and Gender Studies by the University Universidad de Granada (Spain). She is currently working on her PhD thesis on the experience of women as they go through prison. She has been carrying out fieldwork since 2017 with funding from the University Lecturers’ Training Program of the Spanish Government Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. She has taken part in different National and International Conferences on Gender Studies and on Social Work. She has carried out some predoctoral stays at the University of Bolonia (Italy), the Metropolitan University College in Denmark and ISCTE of Lisbon (Portugal). In 2020, she also published an article co-authored with Ana Alcázar-Campos: Valenzuela-Vela, L., & Alcázar-Campos, A. (2020).  Gendered Carceral Logics in Social Work: The Blurred Boundaries in Gender Equality Policies for Imprisoned and Battered Women in Spain. Affilia, 35(1), 73–88.
Lent and Easter Term 2020
 Lorena  Valenzuela Vela