Submitted by Chantal Holland on Wed, 02/01/2019 - 14:57
Lucy van de Wiel has published a new article titled “Prenatal Imaging: Egg Freezing, Embryo Selection and the Visual Politics of Reproductive Time” in Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience. The analysis revolves around the cellular imagery produced in egg freezing and time-lapse embryo imaging. It argues that these images demonstrate a necropolitics of reproduction, in which not only the generativity of new life, but also the increased visibility of the death, finitude and fallibility of reproductive substances drives the engagement with reproductive technologies and propels new, future-oriented treatment rationales for broadening the indication for IVF.
The article is part of Catalyst’s Special Issue on “The Processes of Imaging/ The Imaging of Processes.” Catalyst publishes peer-reviewed critically and theoretically engaged feminist STS scholarship that reroutes the gendered, queer, raced, colonial, militarized, and political economic beings and doings of technoscience.