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Reproductive Sociology Research Group

ReproSoc Publication Overview



Smietana, Marcin (2023). "LGBTQ+ parenthood through in vitro gametogenesis?" BioNews 1184:



Hopwood, N., Müller-Wille, S., Browne, J., Van de Wiel, al. Cycles and circulation: a theme in the history of biology and medicine. HPLS 4389 (2021).

Iacoponi, O., Van de Wiel, L., Wilkinson, Harper, J.  "Passion, pressure and pragmatism: how fertility clinic medical directors view IVF add-ons."RBMO. 2022. Vol. 45, 1.

McMullen, H. and K. Dow. (2022). ‘Ringing the existential alarm: Exploring BirthStrike for Climate’. Medical Anthropology, published online, August 2022.

O’Shaughnessy, A. (2022) ‘Triumph and concession? The moral and emotional construction of Ireland's campaign for abortion rights’ European Journal of Women’s Studies. Volume 29 Issue 2

O’Shaughnessy, A, Grimes, L. Roth, R. Carnegie, A. & Duffy, D. (2022). ‘Analysing MyOptions: experiences of Ireland’s abortion information and support service’, BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health

O’Shaughnessy, A. (2022) ‘Triumph and concession? The moral and emotional construction of Ireland's campaign for abortion rights’ European Journal of Women’s Studies. Volume 29 Issue 2

O’Shaughnessy, A, Grimes, L. Roth, R. Carnegie, A. & Duffy, D. (2022). ‘Analysing MyOptions: experiences of Ireland’s abortion information and support service’, BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health

Sandler, E. T. (2022). “LGBTQ+ Inclusion at Universities: Testimonies and Recommendations from the ‘Out at Cambridge’ Study”. In: K. Schnegg, C. Voithofer, M. Auer, & J. Tschuggnall (eds.), Inter- und multidisziplinäre Perspektiven der Geschlechterforschung. Innsbrucker Gender Lectures IV (119-152). Innsbruck University Press.

Sandler, E. T. (2022). “Teaching and Learning Guide for: An overview of coming out research: Introducing a three-lens typology”. Sociology Compass, e12982, 1-22.

Sandler, E. T. (2022). “LGBTQ+ Inclusion at Universities: Testimonies and Recommendations from the ‘Out at Cambridge’ Study”. In: K. Schnegg, C. Voithofer, M. Auer, & J. Tschuggnall (Eds.), Inter- und multidisziplinäre Perspektiven der Geschlechterforschung. Innsbrucker Gender Lectures IV (pp. 119–152). Innsbruck University Press.

Sandler, E. T. (2022). “Teaching and Learning Guide for: An overview of coming out research: Introducing a three-lens typology”. Sociology Compass, e12982, 1–22.

Sandler, Elisabeth Theresa. 2022. “An overview of coming out research: Introducing a three-lens typology.” Sociology Compass (e12958):1–48.

De Zordo, Silvia; Marre, Diana and Smietana, Marcin. 2022. ‘Demographic anxieties in the age of ‘fertility decline’’. Medical Anthropology, Vol. 41, issues 6-7;

Smietana, Marcin and Twine, France Winddance. 2022. Queer decisions: Racial matchingand stigma management among gay male intended parentsInternational Journal of Comparative Sociology: 1-21.

Van de Wiel, L. 'Disrupting the biological clock: Fertility benefits, egg freezing and proactive fertility management'Reproductive Biomedicine & Society Online. Volume 14, March 2022, Pages 239-250.



Boydell, V., & Dow, K. (2021). Adjusting the analytical aperture: propositions for an integrated approach to the social study of reproductive technologiesBioSocieties, 1–26. Advance online publication.

Hopwood, N., Müller-Wille, S., Browne, J., Groeben, C., Kuriyama, S., van der Lugt, M., Giglioni, G., van de Wiel, L., et al. (2021). Cycles and circulation: a theme in the history of biology and medicine. Hist Philos Life Sci, 43 (3), 89. 

Kaur, A. (2021). The Implications of the Gender Based Prohibitions Relating to Human Germline Genome Editing in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act. Reproductive Biomedicine Online, Vol 42, Issue 22, pp. 457-462. 

Kaur, A. (2021). The Rise of Non-Traditional Pregnancies through Assisted Reproductive Technologies. British Journal of Midwifery, Vol 29, Issue 2, pp. 82-88.

Kaur A, (2021). Human Germline Genome Editing and Its Tech-Sumptions: Chapter 7 in Davis-Floyd R (Ed) Birthing Techno-Sapiens: Human-Technology Co-Evolution and the Future of Reproduction. Oxfordshire. Taylor and Francis: Routledge. 
Mackenzie, S. (2021), "Experiences of Gender and Sexual Minority Stress Among LGBTQ Families: The Role of Community Resilience and Minority Coping", LeBlanc, A.J. and Perry, B.L. (Ed.) Sexual and Gender Minority Health (Advances in Medical Sociology, Vol. 21), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 181-206. 
O'Shaughnessy, A.C. (2021) "Triumph and Concession?: The Moral and Emotional Construction of Ireland's Campaign for Abortion Rights" in European Journal of Women's Studies.

Smietana, M., Rudrappa, S. and Weis, C. (2021), "Moral frameworks of commercial surrogacy within the US, India and Russia." Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 29(1): 1-17; DOI: 10.1080/26410397.2021.1878674.

Taragin-Zeller, Lea. (2021) A Rabbi of One’s Own? Navigating Religious Authority and Ethical Freedom in Everyday Judaism, American Anthropologist ​

Twine, France Winddance and Smietana, Marcin. (2021). The Racial Contours of Queer Reproduction. In: Sallie Han and Cecília Tomori (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Anthropology and Reproduction, pp. 285-304. Routledge.

van de Wiel, L (2021). “The Speculative Turn in IVF: Egg Freezing, Reproductive Futures, and the Financialization of Fertility.” In: Birthing Techno-Sapiens: Human-Technology Co-Evolution and the Future of Reproduction. Ed. Robbie Davis-Floyd. Routledge. (revised reprint)



Van de Wiel, L. (2020). Freezing Fertility: Oocyte Cryopreservation and the Gender Politics of Aging. New York: New York University Press.

Van de Wiel, L., Wilkinson, J., Athanasiou, P., Harper, J. (2020). “The Prevalence, Promotion and Pricing of Three IVF Add-Ons on Fertility Clinic Websites.” Reproductive BioMedicine Online, July.

Pralat, R., Burns, F., Anderson, J. and Barber, T.J. (2020). "Can HIV‐positive gay men become parents? How men living with HIV and HIV clinicians talk about the possibility of having children", Sociology of Health and Illness.

Dow, K. and Lamoreaux, L. (2020). "Situated Kinmaking: Towards Environmental Reproductive Justice", Environmental Humanities. 12 (2): 475-491. 

Dow, K. (2020) Under Commission. Review of Kroløkke, C. (2018), "Global Fluids: The Cultural Politics of Reproductive Waste and Value", Berghahn Books. Medical Anthropology Quarterly.

Frankfurth, Y. (2020). "Navigating anonymity and openness: Germans travelling abroad for egg donation". In Beier, K., Brügge, C., Thorn, P., and Wiesemann, C. (eds.), Familienbildung mit Hilfe Dritter [Making Families with Assisted Reproductive Technologies]. Springer-Verlag (Medizin).

Kaur, A. (2020). "Could Seeking Human Germline Genome Editing Force Journeys of Transnational Care?" Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp.184-209

Pralat, R. (2020). "Sexual identities and reproductive orientations: Coming out as wanting (or not wanting) to have children". Sexualities, OnlineFirst.

van de Wiel, L. (2020). "The Speculative Turn in IVF: Egg Freezing and the Financialization of Fertility." New Genetics and Society. Special Issue "Frozen: Social and Bioethical Aspects of Cryo-Fertility."



Barber TJ, Borok T, Suchak T, Weatherall A, Docherty T, Gamble N, Pralat R, Jaspal R, Cocker C. (2019). "Having children outside a heterosexual relationship: Options for persons living with HIV". Sexually Transmitted Infections, 95(2), 99-101.

Dow, K. (2019). "Looking into the Test-Tube: The Birth of IVF on British Television", Medical History 63 (2): 189-208

Dow, K. (2019) Review of Watts, L. Energy at the End of the World: An Orkney Islands Saga, MIT Press. Social Anthropology 27(4): 726-727. First published 18th December 2019.

Dow, K. (2019) Review of Dimond, R. and N. Stephens (2018), Legalising Mitochondrial Donation: Enacting Ethical Futures in UK Biomedical Politics, Palgrave Pivot. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine. First published online 23rd May 2019.

Jent, K. (2019). "Stem Cell Niches" in: Fieldsights – Theorizing the Contemporary. Published online by the Society for Cultural Anthropology (April 25).

Medien, K. (2019). "Foucault in Tunisia: The encounter with intolerable power".The Sociological Review

Medien, Kathryn. (2019). Palestine in DeleuzeTheory Culture & Society, 36(5): 49-70.

Merleau-Ponty, N. (2019). “In vitro fertilization in French and Indian laboratories: A somatotechnique?”, Ethnologie francaise. Translated from the French by John Angell DOI : 10.3917/ethn.173.0509

Merleau-Ponty, N. (2019). "Corps embryoïdes : biologie moléculaire et cellules vivantes". Ateliers d'anthropologie. number 46Jean-Luc Jamard, Gaëlle Lacaze et Margarita Xanthakou (dir.)

Merleau-Ponty, N. (2019). "A Hierarchy of Deaths. Stem Cells, Animals and Humans Understood by Developmental Biologists". Science as Culture. doi: 10.1080/09505431.2019.1579787

Smietana, Marcin. 2019. Procreative consciousness in a global market: Gay men’s paths to surrogacy in the USReproductive BioMedicine & Society Online, vol. 7 (Nov. 2018): 101-111. DOI:

van de Wiel, L. (2019). In Press. "The Datafication of Reproduction: Time-lapse Embryo Imaging and the Commercialisation of IVF.Sociology of Health and Illness. Special Issue  "Digital Health."



Dow, K. and Boydell, V. (2018). Introduction: Nature and Ethics Across Geographical, Rhetorical and Human Borders, Ethnos, 82:1, 1-18

Dow, K. (2018). ‘Now She’s Just an Ordinary Baby’: The Birth of IVF in the British Press. Sociology53(2), 314–329. 

Frankfurth, Y. Mothers, Morality and Abortion: The Politics of Reproduction in the Formation of the German Nation. Journal of International Women’s Studies, 18(3), 51-65.

Harper, J., Baldwin, K., van de Wiel, L. and Boivin, J. (2018). “Campaign for UK Parliament to extend the 10-year storage limit on egg freezing". Bionews.  

Medien, K. (2018). "Thinking Life, Death, and Solidarity Through Colonized Palestine: An Interview with Jasbir K. Puar". Journal of Middle East Women Studies, 14(1): 94-103.

Merleau-Ponty, N., Vertommen, S., and Pucéat M. (2018). "I6 Passages: On the Reproduction of a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line from Israel to France". New Genetics and Society. doi:10.1080/14636778.2018.1548269

Merleau-Ponty, N. (2018). "Sélectionner des embryons humains. Une relation opératoire au sein de laboratoires de biologie de la reproduction en Inde et en France". L'Homme. n°225 (janvier-mars 2018). Pp. 101-124. doi : 10.4000/lhomme.30724

Pralat R. (2018). "More natural does not equal more normal: Lesbian, gay, and bisexual people's views about different pathways to parenthood". Journal of Family Issues, 39(18), 4179-4203. 

Smietana, Marcin; Thompson, Charis and Twine, France Winddance. 2018. Making and breaking families: Reading queer reproductions, stratified reproduction and reproductive justice togetherReproductive Biomedicine & Society Online, vol. 7 (November): pp. 112-130. DOI:

Smietana, Marcin and Thompson, Charis (eds.) 2018. Making Families: Transnational Surrogacy, Queer Kinship, and Reproductive Justice. Special Issue of Reproductive Biomedicine & Society Online, vol. 7 (November): 1-160.

Smietana, M. (2018). «Mes pères d’intention et moi sommes amis sur Facebook» : comment des femmes porteuses et des pères gais gèrent les tensions entre don et échange marchand aux États-Unis. In: I. Côté, K. Lavoie & J. Courduriès (eds.) Perspectives internationales sur la gestation pour autrui: Expériences des personnes concernées et contextes d’action, pp. 225-247. Presses de l’Université du Québec. 

van de Wiel, L. (2018). “Prenatal Imaging: Egg Freezing, Embryo Selection and the Visual Politics of Reproductive Time.” Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 4(2): 1-35.

van de Wiel, L. and Cromer, R. (2018). “Remaking Reproduction Conference: A Review” Somatosphere



Dow, K. (2017) ‘“The Men who Made the Breakthrough”: How the British press represented Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards in 1978’. Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online 4: 59-67.

Dow, K. (2017) 'Conceptive Journeys’. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 23(3): 623-625. [Review of Cosmopolitan Conceptions by Marcia Inhorn and Problems of Conception by Marit Melhuus]

Smietana, M. (2017). Affective de-commodifying, economic de-kinning: Surrogates’ and gay fathers’ narratives in U.S. surrogacy. In: Faircloth, Ch. & Gurtin, Z. ‘Making Parents: Reproductive Technologies and Parenting Culture across Borders’ Special Issue of Sociological Research Online 22(2): 6. DOI: 10.5153/sro.4312



Dow, K. (2016). Making a Good Life: An Ethnography of Nature, Ethics and Reproduction. Princeton University Press. 

Dow, K. (2016). Seeing with Dolphins: Reflections on the Salience of Cetaceans. In Thinking about Animals in the Age of the Anthropocene. eds. Morten Tønnessen, Kristin Armstrong Oma and Silver Rattasepp. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Dow, K. (2016). 'What gets left behind for future generations? Reproduction and the environment in Spey Bay, Scotland', Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 22 (3): 1-17. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9655.12451

Franklin, S. (2016). Special Issue of Reproductive Medicine and Society Online: IVF - Global Histories, Elsevier/Open Access (co-edited volume of 12 papers on IVF in cross-cultural perspective, with Marcia Inhorn).

Peri-Rotem, N. (2016). “Religion and fertility in Western Europe: trends across cohorts in Britain, France and the Netherlands”. European Journal of Population, 32(2), 231-265.

Pralat R. (2016). Between future families and families of origin: Talking about gay parenthood across generations. Parenthood Between Generations: Transforming Reproductive Cultures, ed. S. Pooley and K. Qureshi, Berghahn Books, 43-64.

Smietana, M. (2016). ‘Families like we’d always known’? Spanish gay fathers’ normalization narratives in transnational surrogacy. In: M. Lie, & N. Lykke (eds.) Assisted Reproduction across Borders: Feminist Perspectives on Normalizations, Disruptions and Transmissions, pp. 49-60. New York and London: Routledge. 

van de Wiel, L. (2016). "Embryonic Entanglements: A Visual Analysis of Time-lapse Embryo Imaging." Assisted Reproduction Across Borders: Feminist Perspectives on Normalizations, Disruptions and Transmissions. Eds. Merete Lie and Nina Lykke. New York and Oxon: Routledge.

van de Wiel, L. (2016). "Frozen Fertility" ["Bevroren Vruchtbaarheid"]. Dutch Journal for Gender Studies. 19 (2): 286-8.



Dow, K. (2015). ‘A Nine-Month Head-Start’: The Maternal Bond and Surrogacy. Ethnos, 1-19.

Dow, K., and Boydell, V. (2015). Introduction: Nature and Ethics Across Geographical, Rhetorical and Human Borders. Ethnos

Gürtin, Z. B., Inhorn M. C., and Tremayne S. (2015) Islam and Assisted Reproduction in the Middle East: Comparing ‘Secular’ Turkey, Shia Iran, and the Sunni Arab World. In The Changing World Religion Map: Sacred Places, Identities, Practices and Politics. New York: Springer.

Pralat R. (2015). Repro-sexual intersections: Sperm donation, HIV prevention and the public interest in semen. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 30(3), 211-219.

van de Wiel, L. (2015). "Freezing in Anticipation: Eggs for Later." Women's Studies International Forum. 53 (November-December): 119-128. 



Franklin, S. (2014). Analogic return: The reproductive life of conceptuality. Theory, Culture & Society, (1)

Franklin, S. (2014). Rethinking reproductive politics in time, and time in UK reproductive politics: 1978‐2008. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 20(S1), 109-125.

Gürtin, Z. B. (2014) Assumed, promised, forbidden: infertility, IVF and fatherhood in Turkey. In Globalized Fatherhood. New York, New York: Berghahn.

Smietana, M., Jennings, S., Herbrand, C., and Golombok, S. (2014). 'Family relationships in gay father families'. In: T. Freeman, S. Graham, F. Ebtehaj & M. Richards M. (eds.) 'Relatedness in Assisted Reproduction: Families, Origins and Identities'. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

van de Wiel, L. (2014). For Whom the Clock Ticks: Reproductive Ageing and Egg Freezing in Dutch and British News Media. Studies in the Maternal. 6 (1). 

van de Wiel, L. (2014). The Time of the Change: Menopause’s Medicalization and the Gender Politics of Aging. International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. 7 (1): 74-98. doi: 10.2979/intjfemappbio.7.1.74



Dow, K. (2013). Building a Stable Environment in Scotland: Planning Parenthood in a Time of Ecological Crisis. Parenting in Global Perspective: Comparative Studies in Kinship, Self and Politics, 36-50.

Franklin, S. (2013). Biological relatives: IVF, stem cells, and the future of kinship. Duke University Press.

Franklin, S. (2013). Conception through a looking glass: the paradox of IVF. Reproductive biomedicine online27(6), 747-755.

Franklin, S. (2013). Embryo Watching. How IVF Has Remade Biology.TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies4(1), 23-44.

Franklin, S. (2013). From blood to genes? Rethinking consanguinity in the context of geneticization. Blood and kinship: matter for metaphor from ancient Rome to the present, 285-306. 

Franklin, S. (2013). In Vitro Anthropos: New Conception Models for a Recursive Anthropology?. Cambridge Anthropology31(1), 3-32.

Franklin, S. (2013). The HFEA in context. Reproductive biomedicine online26(4), 310-312.

Franklin, S. (2013) Transforming Kinship. eLS.



Dow, K. (2012). "You're Gonna Get what you Pay for": Gay Parents and Transnational Surrogacy. Anthropology News, 53(4) 

Franklin, S. (2012). Anthropology of Biomedicine and Bioscience. In Sage Handbook of Social Anthropology (pp. 42-55). London: Sage.

Franklin, S. (2012). Five million miracle babies later: the anthropology of IVF. University of Chicago Press.

Gürtin, Z. B. (2012). Assisted reproduction in secular Turkey: Regulation, rhetoric, and the role of religion. Islam and assisted reproductive technologies: Sunni and Shia perspectives.

Gürtin, Z.B. (2012). Evaluating egg-sharing: The experiences, attitudes and opinions of egg-share donors and recipients. Bionews, 653. London: Progress Educational Trust.

Gürtin, Z.B. (2012). IVF Practitioners as Interface Agents between the Local and the Global: The localization of IVF in Turkey. In Reproductive Technologies as Global Form. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.

Gürtin, Z. B., Ahuja, K., & Golombok, S. (2012). Emotional and relational aspects of egg-sharing: egg-share donors' and recipients' feelings about each other, each others' treatment outcome and any resulting children. Human reproduction27(6), 1690-1701.

Gürtin, Z. B., Ahuja, K., & Golombok, S. (2012). Egg-sharing, consent and exploitation: examining egg-share donors’ and recipients’ circumstances and retrospective reflections. Ethics Biosci Life24(7), 698-708.

Gürtin, Z. B., Inhorn, M. C., & Tremayne, S. (2015). Islam and Assisted Reproduction in the Middle East: Comparing the Sunni Arab World, Shia Iran and Secular Turkey. In The Changing World Religion Map (pp. 3137-3153). Netherlands: Springer.

Gürtin, Z.B., Golombok, S. and Ahuja, K. (2012) Egg-share donors’ and recipients’ knowledge, motivations and concerns: clinical and policy implications. Clinical Ethics. 7: 183-192.

Gürtin, Z.B. and Vayena, E. (2012). Reproductive Donation: Global Perspectives and Cultural Diversity. In Reproductive Donation: Bioethics, Policy and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Inhorn, M., & Gürtin, Z. B. (2012). Infertility and Assisted Reproduction in the Muslim Middle East: Social, Religious, and Resource Considerations. ObGyn Monograph, 24-29.

Pennings, G. and Gürtin, Z.B. (2012). The Legal and Ethical Regulation of Transnational Donation. In Reproductive Donation: Bioethics, Policy and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.