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Reproductive Sociology Research Group


Melisa is a PhD candidate in Sociology looking at the relationship between young women's feminist self-identification and body hair removal practices. Her research interests coalesce around the sociology of the body and of gender. She is interested in what women do to their bodies, how and why.

Melisa's research is supported by a full scholarship from the Economic and Social Research Council. She is supervised by Prof. Sarah Franklin and Dr. Liberty Walther Barnes.



Key publications: 

Trujillo, Melisa. "A False Intimacy: The Policing of Women's Body Hair" in King's Review, 24th October 2014.

(Forthcoming) Trujillo, Melisa. "The Trouble with Body Image," in Talking Bodies, ed. Emma Rees.

PhD Candidate 2017
 Melisa  Trujillo