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Reproductive Sociology Research Group


Mianna Meskus works as academy research fellow at University of Helsinki, where she leads Academy of Finland and Kone Foundation funded research projects studying value creation and governance related to reproduction and ageing. Meskus will start as associate professor at University of Tampere in May 2018.Together with Riikka Homanen she leads the recently founded Finnish Reproductive Studies Network (FiResNet). Meskus has previously worked as university lecturer in science and technology studies in Helsinki and visiting research fellow at LSE and King’s College, London. Meskus has published on reproduction, embodiment, biomedicine, technologies and ethics in national and international scientific publications. Her forthcoming book “Craft in Biomedical Research: The iPS Cell Technology and the Future of Stem Cell Science” (Palgrave Macmillan) investigates scientific craftwork and its tensions in the age of high-throughput knowledge production.

Lent Term 2018
 Mianna  Meskus

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