Martin H Johnson FRCOG, FMedSci is an Editor of RBM Online, joint senior editor of Reproductive BioMedicine and Society, and Emeritus Professor of Reproductive Sciences in the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience at the University of Cambridge UK. He was, with Richard Gardner, Bob Edwards' first graduate student (1966-1969), and opened the Nobel Symposium on Bob's work in Stockholm, 2010. He is author of Essential Reproduction (seventh edition, Wiley Blackwell, January 2013), co-editor of Sexuality Repositioned (2004), Death Rites and Rights (2007) and Birth Rites and Rights (2011), and has authored over 300 papers on reproductive science, history, ethics, law and medical education. He was chair of the British Society for Developmental Biology (1984-89); the first CIBA Foundation Public Debate Annual Lecturer on "Human Embryo Research", Swansea (1990); a member of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (1993–1999); treasurer and founding scientific member of the Cambridge Socio-legal group (2000-); and specialist scientific advisor to the Joint Lords and Commons Committee scrutinizing the Draft Human Embryos and Tissue Bill (2007).
He is a Fellow of Christ's College, where he was previously Tutor, Vice Master and President.