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Reproductive Sociology Research Group
Sonja has enriched our ReproSoc blog with a new article, which has been published today! 
It is an important, relevant and thought provoking read, please share it widely 
Bloodlines and/at the Border: The Structural Intimacies of LGBTQ Transnational Kinship
It had been clear throughout my 15 years as a queer parent that genetics is less a fact of biology and more a state-driven project for constructing (worthy) citizens through and productive of acceptable family forms. And yet the role and power of the border and its regulatory systems in constructing and maintaining (hetero) normative families had become painfully clear. Here, I bring the optic of structural intimacies to consider transnational LGBTQ kinship, considering how the border becomes a literal and figurative space for the re/production of (heterosexual, bio-genetic) family forms.

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