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Reproductive Sociology Research Group


Dr. Teija Rantala is a postdoctoral researcher in Gender Studies at the Turku Institute of Advanced Studies (TIAS). The title of her TIAS project (2021-2023) is Embodied reproductive politics, arts-based methods and former Conservative Laestadian women. Her research takes a feminist posthuman framework to study bodily self-re-determination of formerly religious women within wider focus upon reproductive justice and human-nature relations.

Her research interests include feminist studies on body politics, reproductive justice, posthuman​ philosophy and new materialist methodology. She has lectured and published extensively on feminist research methodology including a book Exploring Data Production in Motion. Fluidity and Feminist Poststructuralism published by Myers Education Press in 2019.


Key publications: 

Rantala, T. (2020b). Reading Storylines of Religious Motherhood with Ethics of Joy. Special Issue: Feminist Genealogies: Specific Political Intersections. Genealogy 4(3), 89.

Rantala, T. (2020a). Creating response-able futures? Discussing the Conservative Laestadian desire to mother within reproductive justice. Genealogy, 4(72), pp.1–12. DOI:10.3390/genealogy4030072.

Rantala, T. (2019). Exploring Data Production in Motion: Fluidity and Feminist Poststructuralism. Gorham, Maine: Myers Education Press. ISBN 978-1975501143

Lent Term 2022