Since 2013 I have been a research associate in Cultural Sociology at the Institute of Sociology and Cultural Organization and (since 2020) lecturer for a Professional Master in Public Health at Leuphana University Lueneburg, Germany. I am also member of the Gender and Diversity Research Network. My scholarly interests are in the fields of cultural sociology, sociology of science and knowledge, medical anthropology, personhood, body and emotions.
My PhD project on pregnancy loss explores how miscarriages and stillbirths are experienced and socially acknowledged as deaths and losses of (unborn) children (2014-2021). One focus is on processes of liminality, where the status of aborted, miscarried and stillborn fetuses/babies is contingent, unclear and contested. Currently, I want to pursue research on other reproductive losses like unsuccessful fertility treatment, pregnancy illnesses and traumatic births and on laws affecting reproductive experiences and rights.
Before that, I was a research assistant at the Institute for Cultural Sciences of Leipzig University. I’ve studied Cultural Sciences, Psychology and Indology at Leipzig University and graduated with an ethnography of expatriates in India in 2012 (funded by DAAD). This field work was already driven by a deep interest in bodily experiences and the connection between emotion and culture.
I am also engaged in qualitative research methods and feminist methodology. I am a co-founder of a network of young academics (‘Empirical Sociology of Culture Network’) and Editorial Board member of International Journal of Social Research Methodology (IJSRM).