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Reproductive Sociology Research Group


I am a social anthropologist and gender studies scholar, based in Vienna and Bern. In my work, I am interested in questions of ethics, inequality and autonomy in the context of medicine, technology, economy and the body. My doctoral research was concerned with commercial surrogacy in Russia and Ukraine, and the question how morals and values are employed to make sense of, judge, legitimise and govern the intimate and affective relations produced in this sphere. In my postdoc project, I explore how the category of “life” is negotiated in the context of prenatal testing and selective abortions. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Austria, the project zooms in on medical decision-making against the backdrop of diagnostic uncertainty and the lack of legal guidelines, on imaginations of a „good“ life as well as on the materiality and the handling of “dead life”. The project is funded by a mobility fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation and I will be a visiting researcher at ReproSoc from September 2022 to February 2023.


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